SL7B Tipsy Style

My mom always told me “If you don’t have anything nice to say don’t say anything at all.” Or maybe I just heard it in a commercial for snacks. Whatever. What a stupid piece of advice. If you have something to say just say it. With that said did I just wander into a party or an advertisement?

All Hail The Mighty Power Of The Hand

First off…Happy Birthday Second Life. (Throws confetti & pours drinks). I’m glad you’ve made it to the seven year itch. I think someone should throw you a party. Wait…they have? (Info on SL7B HERE). That’s not a party. OK. So you have prim cake. Personally, I feel like I’m walking around a really large mall with people advertising themselves. I know that not all of it is that way but meh. Maybe the next time some swinging SL party happens I’ll set up a SLA Review display. Then again..we drink so you know we’ll kinda wander off for beer in the middle of setting things up.

We've Got Cows...

My Shoes Are Sticky.

Commerce makes the virtual world go round. So…to showcase something I guess you kinda have to throw in the commercial aspect of it & just call it a party. Parties to me mean kegs, shots, drunk people wandering around wearing…you get the picture. SL is a business so to keep the business going to another birthday you have to showcase the “bread & butter” AKA commerce. OK..OK..I’ll stop being a party downer bitch. I’ll behave (sorta) & give my rousing alcohol fueled birthday celebration speech.

Happy Birthday Second Life. Thanks for taking YEARS of my life but giving me a place where I can be creative. Thank you for giving me something to bitch about, write about, & wander around when I’m bored & drunk. Thank you for introducing me to some pretty sweet ass people. (But you get slapped for the various “jerks” I’ve had the displeasure of running into.) Cheers!

Drinking While Sitting In A Fountain = Wet Drunk Ass

If you just happen to be at this “celebration” & see a woman wandering around with a martini in her hand feel free to say “Hi”. We can sit on a fountain together & do some shots.

“Tipsy” Cerulean

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