Tag Archives: writing

Summers End

Summer has official come to a close in my little real life world. Summertime is a time that I stop just about all writing about Second Life because it’s too damn nice to be cooped up in a house. There are trails to be hiked. Places to be visited. Sun to stare at.

Well…not stared at exactly…you know what I mean.

I’m trying to get back into the swing of writing virtual things again but this takes me a few. I need to try to get ahead a little bit in the writing so I’m not constantly going “Holy Shit! I should put something out!”.

Back To Work!

Back To Work!

Same goes for the Raglan Report Podcast that I am a part of. I need to update that site and actually record a podcast.

The end of Summer is hard.

So…I’m plotting my plots and whateves to start back into another fun-filled explosion of writing proportions.

Let The Good Times Roll!

“Tipsy” Cerulean

Sim Location: Prim River National Forest  (Which will probably be reviewed soon! Woo!)

Musty Memories & Shadowbox Bullcrap

I’m back.

It’s not like I’ve gone anywhere. I did take a holiday break for real life stuff. But that’s not the point. 

I’m back.

I am back because, after months of “playing nice” I have decided that I am no longer doing that. It’s not me. My nice goes into my other projects. The truth, no matter how harsh it is, will always come to rest at the SLA Review. 

And on that note, let us get started shall we…

1. I’m tired of this passive aggressive trend many residents seem to have going on. I was going to say “lately” but it’s been festering for years. Everything from posts on various social websites saying they “hate” someone but they don’t want to mention names, to the websites where we hide behind “secrets” so that no one will know who said it. This bullshit needs to stop. If you got something to say then just fucking say it. I hate bloggers who bitch about how hard it is to list stores they bought their clothes at or how hard it was to take a picture of an avatar. See. Not that hard is it? 

2. If you Photoshop a virtual world photo so hard-core that it doesn’t even remotely look like what everyday avatars see on their screens they you are an ass. If you made a fuzzy picture clear or cropped a photo then more power to you. Rock on! If you made your avatar look so insanely flawless that you have some dumbass lapping up your shit like it was candy because “Oh My God! They are so talented.” then you’re an ass. Art? Maybe. Trying to show others what the “world” looks like? Disillusioned bitches. Every one of you.

So, to all of you horrible photoshopping whores out there. To those that moan “OMG! It’s SO HARD to take a picture & put where I bought my crap!” can all go screw. You took a picture. Then you photoshopped it so horribly to the point where no one would know that it isn’t a realistic portrayal to what a Second Life actually looks like. You are, I am not so sorry to say, are the problems that virtual worlds face. You treat everything as if it was a virtual paper doll. Cut and fucking paste ao, new dress, shoes, whatever upon them. Tada. You are the faces of absolutely nothing & especially not all of us. 

3. If you are trying to  pull of the mean or “cranky” bullshit on your site remember to at least be a tad bit original.  We get it. Your all hardcore over shit you see in our virtual world. You’ve had a “big thought” over the state of everything.  Whatever. You just have an unoriginal thought & a catchy “mood”.

4. For fucks sake people…I’m sorry but fucking hell…stop your fucking shopping. In all honesty no one gives a crap if you look good or not. Behind your sweet looking sexy avatar you could look like pizza the hut. In all seriousness it isn’t even remotely important to people with half a brain. My opinion? Similar interests. Being able to hold a conversation above “Hey baby! Nice tits” or “Did you see the new shoes from (insert store/mall/L$ stealing money pit?” is more important than telling me or EVERYONE where to buy a new dress.

(Side Note: You want to stand out. So wouldn’t sharing where you bought a dress or sharing a dress that everyone else shares just make you a sheep?” baaaaaaaa….)

5. If you were one of the many people who I saw in various social media posts who took advantage of the free lindens/new resident drive then you are the

I’m tired of the image shit. I’m tired of writing where no one gives a fuck about what I say. I’m not going to be nice for the sake of being nice. I’m not going to pretty up photos because it takes away from what the  hell we are actually looking it. And I’m not going to give a nice review because it makes people “Feel bad”. I will no longer make the first move when talking to people because 90 percent of my experience involves insane crazy people.

I am at a loss at what more you really want from me.

So why the fuck to I write? Because…I have always…sl or otherwise…written. I’ve written for so many things that I must have some sort of outlet for creativity. I cannot just go on sl, being the ignored hermit that I am, without a purpose. For about six years this has been my drive.


I started out with a geocities website. I remember my first review. Really horrible rental review about a tiki hut that sucked. There was an issue with the front door where it would randomly open & close on its own. The owners couldn’t figure out who to fix it. So their answer was basically “Live with it”. Amazingly enough they are no longer around on the grid. Over a year later I had to move from Geocities to wordpress. With a computer crash I lost 2 years of reviews from my old site. Not a bad thing as they are no longer relevent to our time.

So what exactly was the point of this post? Just to vent a little bit of my frustration at the idiotic way people seem to act lately. To clarify that the SLA Review was never one to shy away from harsh truths. To say that projects are projects but the ways of this site are always the same. 

Ahh…That felt good. 

The bitch is back.


“Tipsy” Cerulean

To clarify I not only write the SLA Review but I also do podcasting among other things. They are completely two separate entities. One I do to help others. The SLA Review is where I write my views on everything Second Life. It is mine & mine alone. And it does not reflect any groups I am involved with or work that I do on my other site. From the good to the absolutely painful horrors people like to pass off as “sims”. I also make comments on other things people write about our wee little virtual world. It’s what I do.

Also…Bishop has offered his services for quick cast rants in the near future. Can’t wait. 

Fuck Yeah Second Life!

I just wanted to do a quick post to inform everyone that I am taking over the Fuck Yeah Second Life tumblr. It’s always been a source of great laughs for me because, if you haven’t already guessed, I really dig laughing at the stupid, poorly dressed, & all around weird things we find in our virtual world. I felt that it was a great addition to what I do here as well as the fact that I didn’t want it to close down on all of it’s many readers.

I’m pulling double duty now baby. Awwwwww yeah! 

With that said be sure to check it out. Now let me get back to trying to write this weeks articles. I’ve been slacking with everything going on. Taking pictures of a virtual cow takes a lot of work. So does writing poop jokes.

Cow Pictures? SLA Review Haz Them!

“Tipsy” Cerulean


Blogger Template

There has been this overwhelming wave of blogger challenges & meme’s that have been going across the Second Life sites. Dress like this or take a picture with that.  While I have done a few every so often that I find interesting in the past this insane amount of “Write about this subject” or “Take a picture of that” is just too much. It’s not creative to find yourself constantly in a loop of meme’s & other people’s ideas.

Well, Tipsy, why isn’t it creative?

I’m glad you asked!

While I don’t fault the every so often challenge one does on their site doing a couple a week does not become an article, review, or whatever the hell you are writing about. It becomes a crutch with which you find you no longer need to come up with your own original idea.

No One Said I Had To Stand Here.

It’s  nothing but taking an idea that happens to be someone elses & just adding to it. Like a bloggers template.

Holy shit! See what I did there!  I actually worked the title into the article. Amazing!

If you decide to do a blogger challenge then so did, depending on who put the challenge out, quite a few other people. Not only did you put yourself into a position where you no longer had to use your own original ideas to write about you’ve also found yourself lumped in with a massive amount of other bloggers who are doing the exact same thing. It doesn’t make you a writer. It doesn’t make you a master blogger. It makes you a little internet sheep following the electric meme flock.

Sheep damn it!

In closing I would like to ask that everyone please pick maybe one they feel like doing & forget the rest. Is there one for a charity or a cause you believe in? Then by all means do it! There is a difference between “underpants down to your knees” memes & helping out a cause. Know the difference.

Start ignoring the blogger template waves & ride your own. Basically…..come up with your own shit. We, as writers, bloggers, storytellers, photographers, pimps of the press are way more creative than that.

You are all better than that.

“Tipsy” Cerulean 

Lazy Bones

Just Let Me Lay Here.

I don’t want to get out of my comfortable prim bed today. Just throw me a blanket & let me cover all the way up to my head.

Pull the curtains down.

I’m not getting up.

You’re still here?

Fine! I’ll get up. 

(Stomps Off To Her Living Room)

Sad Tipsy Is Sad.

It’s not you dear readers. Tipsy is just in a pissy mood.

I work hard to put out quality (& sometimes “OH NO SHE DID NOT JUST SAY THAT!“) content. I write down ideas in a notebook I carry around with me when an idea hits. I plan & work hard at what I do. Sometimes I feel no one really cares what I share or have to say. Or they just don’t care. Period.

I moved on Second Life & had a fun time decorating.  But..alas..I’ve no one to really come over & visit. Why did I bother to pick up my prim socks? At least it looks good to me.

Some days I just don’t feel very…how do I put it…virtually loved.

Some days I’m just tired. Or lonely. Or tired & lonely.

Tipsy is all types of sad. 

Can’t I just go back to bed?



I’ll just go eat some breakfast.

Prim Breakfast Of Champs.

I absolutely love Second Life food. I am in awe over it. The realistic little cakes & dinners make me smile. I own so much prim food that I’ve collected over the years that I could quite possibly open a restaurant.

Tipsy’s Tavern?

Tipsy’s Haus Of Whore-dervs? 

That would be a restaurant/strip club/whore house combo. 


Prim food makes me happy & I’m starting to feel less funky. I’m actually starting to feel energized by virtual food.

Smile Tipsy. Smile.

You know that I really can’t bitch. So what if I have to work hard to try to put out as much content that I, personally, find interesting each week. So what if I have to shout from the virtual rooftops that “I AM HERE!” to anyone that will take a moment to listen to me.

Writing is personal. I do it for me as well as everyone that has read & keeps on reading each week. From the new readers to the old. I am grateful for everyone that has supported me, left me a kind comment, spread the word of what I’m doing, & just plain read.

I’m grateful for those that do care & I always need to remember I’m not alone.

I Do This Because I Love It.

I think the prim breakfast is working its magic. I feel so much better. I’m ready to get to work.

Back to writing because these articles are not going to write themselves.

“Tipsy” Cerulean

I used this as an opportunity to show off a little bit of my personal home on Second Life. I am switching it up & giving you links to the items on the marketplace rather than a SLurl this time around.

House: Molto Bene Cape Cod Skybox. (Marketplace) I love this small skybox as it is low prim, three rooms, & you can change the walls/floors. It’s just me so I have no need for something big. I just need something wide open to be happy.

PJs:  Lvs & co (Marketplace) =CrunchyRoll= Rock’n’Rule Pj Rulers. Rocks. Rulers Rock. Hehe.

Furniture: LISP Bazaar (Marketplace) All of my furniture, from the bed to the accessories, are from LISP. I recommend checking them out on the marketplace AND in-world. They have a store that everything is 10L or less (example: photo with the ladder shelf in the background. The ladder shelf with everything on it was 10L). They are, by far, the current reining champion when it comes to quality/price ratio.

Prim Food: Divivity (Marketplace) This was the first place that I ever saw prim food. I have a little soft spot for this in my weird heart. Their in-world store has majorly shrunk in size which makes me sad. I do hope that they never shrink away to nothing because I actually have some good memories of them.

I do feel sad at times because it feels like all work with no payoff, like appreciation or even a smile, but I write because I love to. If I didn’t I would have no way to put the words that roll through my head someplace they belong. I am also very grateful to all of you.

Thank You!