Category Archives: Fun

I’m Hooked…..

..And I Can’t Stop Staring…..

There seems to be some sort of rule where I have to quote “Baby Got Back” at least a few times a year. If I don’t then, I don’t know, the universe will explode due to lack of booty. Or something like that. We at the SLA Review are dedicated to telling you stuff about virtual stuff as well as filling our quota of giant ass pictures. Now…put the song on and feast your eyes upon this virtual big butt.


I don’t have an anaconda Mr. Mix A Lot Sir. I also don’t seem to own a Mercedes but I do dislike Cosmo. 

Bet you didn’t know you needed to see this to start your day off right.

No Need To Thank Me! You’re Welcome!

“Tipsy” Cerulean

Side Note: Yes. I didn’t miss the pointy boobs. They just about poked me in the eye.

Get Your Craft On!

I like crafts. I do own a bottle of glue. I happen to even have scissors.


Did you know that 63% of people knit? I didn’t know this but the internet told me so. I’m assuming that most of you reading this do some sort of crafting. I actually painted a flower-pot the other day. Crafting is HUGE!

If you’re interested in crafts, chatting with others, and even working on a project in real life while others do the same then I suggest you check out the Tiny Crafters Meetings in Tinyopolis every Saturday from Noon-3pm SLT. It doesn’t matter if you’re into knitting, whittling, or whatever crafty craft thing you do because everyone is welcome to come and talk to like-minded people. I plan on taking the time to go to a meeting sometime soon!

Come Get Crafty!

Come Get Crafty!

I know a lot of people in real life who do crafts and something like the Tiny Crafters Meetings is a great place for those who have never tried Second Life to come in and met people with the same interests as them.

I wanted to write about the Tiny Crafters Meetings because I am in LOVE with the idea of people getting together and doing something constructive and different in a virtual world. There are a lot of clubs in Second Life. There is a lot of music and dancing and people yelling “Wooo!” everywhere you go. Personally…it gets kinda boring after a while. People have interests that are more than just watching an avatar shake their groove thang. This is where the creative people of the grid really shine when it comes to ideas and fun that is above the norm. I’m glad that there is something like the Tiny Crafters Meetings so that people can gather to share ideas, chat, and do craft stuffs.

 Craft on my friends. Craft on. 

“Tipsy” Cerulean

The Tiny Crafters Meetings are every Saturday from Noon-3pm SLT upstairs in the Waffle House in Tinyopolis. Everyone who is into crafts are welcome.




Friday Is Friday

It’s Friday! 

Woo! Friday! Yeah! Friday! Friday! Friday!

Ahh..Sorry! I got a little caught up in the moment there. It’s Friday and that means the weekend has finally decided to visit us. You’re home. You might have a beer in your hand. (I happen to have a martini in mine) and you’re sitting in front of your computer. Now’s the time to start thinking about what you would like to do virtually in the big wide world of Second Life. You don’t want to just virtually lay around doing nothing! How boring is that?

Don't Just Lay Around!

Don’t Just Lay Around!

To help you out I’ve made a list of three special events going on that are worth a visit.


1. Fantasy Faire – I absolutely LOVE the Fantasy Faire! It’s a once a year event that benefits Relay For Life. Many creative sims are set up with different themes that are something you cannot miss seeing. I have to recommend the Wiggenstead Mooring Sim that is sponsored by Tiny Inc.

LOVE This Build!

LOVE This Build!

The design for this sim makes me want to find a way to recreate it on my own land. It is simply amazing! Go…shop…help RFL! You only have until Sunday May 11th so HURRY!! (You can also visit the official Fantasy Faire Website right HERE.)

2. If you’re looking for a place for some good music, dancing, and wonderful company then I highly recommend visiting the Rainbow Tinies Event which is every Friday from 2-4pm SLT with DJ Eagle. The Rainbow Tinies is a G rated group for anyone who is interested in discussing LBGT matters as well as giving people a safe place to be themselves. Everyone is welcome!

Check Out The Horse!

Check Out The Horse!

If you’re looking for a place to listen to music and meet some wonderful Second Life residents then check out their Friday Event as well as their group.

3. Don’t forget that the Raglan Shire Artwalk is going on from now until May 25th. I cannot express enough how amazing it is to see such great art by the residents of Second Life.

Giant Art Supplies!

Giant Art Supplies!

Don’t forget to check out the Raglan Shire Events Calendar for all of the latest events. At 2pm SLT Saturday May 8th the Changhigh Dancers will be performing. Art and events. You can’t go wrong with that!

I hope this helps you to have a kick ass virtual weekend!

“Tipsy” Cerulean



Spring Is In The Air…Or Whatever…

It’s been a super busy April so far. Spring break came and went. Bunneh Day is coming soon. I plan on traveling to a dog walk event to help animals looking to be adopted. We’ve made some changes in the studio and are working on Shire Podcast stuff.

I need a nap!



OK. So what’s going on in the virtual world of Second Life?  

Besides new shopping events? Not really too much of anything. Instead I’ve decided to make a list of ten random Second Life thoughts as well as quick places/events to visit (or not).

Tipsy’s Awesome List Of Random Virtual Thoughts!

1. High Heels with socks are fucking SLupid. There. I said it. SLupid!

2. Why does every fashion blogger have males looking like anorexic hipsters? Where are the realistic bearded men who aren’t hipsters, hip hop artists, or flat-out douche bag looking?

3. The Virtual State Fair (G) is still in-world. I’ve written about them off and on for years now. It hasn’t really changed. There isn’t any mesh builds lying around yet it’s still a pretty cool, educational place to visit. I am mentioning because I suggest you check out the Reality Check Cafe that is a game to help you figure out how much exercise it will take you to burn off your restaurant meal.

4. Dwarfins creep me out.

5. Eggapalooza is currently going on at Aero Pines Park. It is their 7th annual Easter Hunt.  It will go on until April 30th.

6. You can play Cheesy at the podcast office, watch television, hang, & learn about the podcast.

7. I’ve never played a game in Second Life. Except trivia. OK. I’ve never taken the time to play a board game. All of these years and I’ve never taken the time to do it.

8. I’m drinking cranberry juice & wandering around Second Life making this list. It’s not even 8am as I write this. A girls gotta sometimes drink something other than martini’s in the morning. Her liver says thank you.

9. There is a replica of the chocolate factory from Charlie & The Chocolate Factory in Second Life. The candy man can you know.

10. I did not bother with April Fools Day. This is why there was no wacky post that day. It’s not a holiday. It’s stupid.

There. I made a list. Woo! 

“Tipsy” Cerulean

Mesh Service

I think I ended up re-writing today’s “March Mesh Madness” article name at least seven times. Almost went with “The Adventures Of Invisi-boobs” but it was too long. I do now plan on using it for the name of my first feature film.

If I ever make one. 

Before we can discuss today’s foray into the wild world of rezzing mesh I must first share with you the photo with which we shall stare at and discuss.


You have to love rezzing mesh! It cuts out the middle man of comedy and brings it straight to your eyeballs. I have absolutely no clue what I that means exactly but we’ll go with it anyways. This meshy mess of rezzing has brought us a lack of hair, shoes, and (if you haven’t noticed the GIANT BLANK SPOT!!) boobs. It’s almost like an invisible cloak titty top.

Yeah baby…I’m wearing my invisible titty top. You like what you can’t see?!!?!

I was at a very high traffic area where there was mesh not rezzing everywhere so I was never able to see exactly what was supposed to be in the boob/top area. I like to imagine that it was something really epic like a halter top with a nipple hanging out or something made of fine virtual leather. This is why I love virtual worlds. Everything tells a story. Even the things that don’t appear.

Go forth into the virtual world that is Second Life. Explore. Stare at mesh that hasn’t appeared yet. Have fun with life. Eat a cookie. Stop drop and roll.

“Tipsy” Cerulean

March Mesh Madness

The month of March starts tomorrow and I was trying to think of a great theme to go with the month. After much thought (and sifting through various photos I’ve taken) I’ve officially declared March to be “March Mesh Madness”!!!


I’m not talking about dedicating a month to mesh fashion or even shopping for mesh. I’m talking about those moments when you rezz into a place filled with individuals wearing nothing but mesh. Before everything comes in clearly you see people who are nothing but hair, or an arm. Those funny moments where you can’t help but giggle as their expensive outfits (and we can’t forget those damn mesh boobs/feet/hands) are not appearing as of yet. I dedicate this month to you Mesh Warrior.

OK. Actually I just wanted to giggle at stupid pictures.

As I run into great opportunities of non-rezzed half mesh individuals I shall share my pictures. May we go through March not wiser but at least laughing.

“Tipsy” Cerulean

Romancing The Food

Valentine’s Day is almost upon you. Maybe you’ve bought your sweetheart some flowers or some virtual chocolates. You’ve practiced your proclamations of love and picked out the perfect outfit to wear. But…have you figured out where you’re going to take your date for dinner?


OK…you don’t fail.

Tipsy is here to rescue you! Take your date to an old standby that still works for a nice virtual dinner. The Brunel Hall Hotel And Restaurant (M) in the Academy Of Industry region of New Babbage has been a wonderful place to take someone special for the past four years.

No Calorie Deserts ROCK!

No Calorie Deserts ROCK!

Make your way to the Muirsheen Durkin Bar and Restaurant which is a self-serve restaurant giving you some of the best atmosphere for prim food and drink. I enjoy restaurants that are self-service because it feels a bit more intimate with a date (And you don’t need to pay for service). The biggest plus for me when it comes to the Muirsheen Durkin Bar and Restaurant is that it that it happens to be friendly to many different types of avatars as they do have a dance ball that is small avatar friendly. Although this is New Babbage role-playing is optional so you do not need to period dress or get into a role to enjoy yourself. (Although I think it would be fun to try it out with a date.)

Mmmm Dinner....

Mmmm Dinner….

The Brunel Hall Hotel itself is beautiful with a lovely check in area as well as a giant indoor pool. During my visit all of the hotel rooms were occupied. If you’re planning on, hopefully, spending the night with your date, then you might want to check ahead of time to see if there is space open.

Don't Forget A Bathing Suit!

Don’t Forget A Bathing Suit!

I highly recommend visiting Brunel Hall Hotel & Restaurant (M) because it has become a landmark in Second Life. When something lasts as long as they have then usually it’s a place worth checking out. Especially if it’s a part of New Babbage.

Hope this eases your “Where Should I Take My Date!!???!?” woes.

“Tipsy” Cerulean

Love Rollercoaster

You know that I only named this article “Love Rollercoaster” so you would get THIS SONG stuck in your head.

You’re welcome.

February is almost upon us and it’s suppose to be the month of love with the whole Valentine’s Day “Give Me Candy! Give Me Flowers! WHERE THE HELL IS MY ROMANTIC CARD ASSHOLE!!” thing. To celebrate this strange thing we like to call “love” I thought we would officially name the month of February “You didn’t go to Jared? You suck at love!” month.

I’m joking.

Let’s throw the commercialized “buy my love” crap to the side and officially name the month of February “Love Month”. Simple name. Simple concept. For the entire month I’ll be sprinkling different articles that involve the word “Love”.  They will involve all different aspects of love. From places that involve love to thoughts on things I love. Let me ponder what I love.


What do I love? I love my family. I love my friends. I love Mr. C. Cow. I love porn. I love ripping apart the things that annoy me.  Yup…it’s going to be one of THOSE types of months.

Here’s To Looking Ahead To “Love Month” February. 

“Tipsy” (I went with the croissant for breakfast) Cerulean

Stuck In The Middle

To end our terrifying reign of Virtual Butts Month terror I thought I would share an ass mishap that occurred to me recently. I do a lot of teleporting around the grid to find places to write about. During one particular hop I ended up morphed into a doorway.


I had first started out in an area where they give you a little bit of information about the area then you have to teleport to their main area. During this teleport it decided that I shouldn’t land on my feet. Instead it decided that I should end up half in the door frame. Stuck in the middle of a prim.

Instead of screaming “HAAAAALLLPPPP” (no one was around anyways) or trying to get myself unstuck I decided to take a photo.

Doesn’t that sound like society today? Alien invasion. We’re all gonna die. Let’s tweet a picture of it!

To end Virtual Butts Month I thought it was only fitting to throw one of mine stuck in teleport limbo. What lesson have we learned from Virtual Butt Month? That sometimes you look really SLupid with your ass hanging out? Ass related accidents happen? I think that we’ve learned absolutely nothing. To quote a famous movie that sums up our lessons learned for Virtual Butts month……

“We Ain’t Found Shit!”

“Tipsy” Cerulean

An Ounce Of The Bounce

“How does one go forth into a virtual world and search out so many butts?”

One might find themselves asking me this during Virtual Butts January. Come on…have you actually traveled anywhere in-world? Funny asses are EVERYWHERE! In the G rated parks, to underpant clad people in stores, to random bubble butt sightings. You can’t go anywhere without seeing at least one strange booty wandering around.

One cannot grief or be rude to those around us who decide that their crunchy looking tush looks damn awesome & they want to share with everyone. You can’t point & laugh. It’s just rude. Let it make you smile!

I’ve come up with a few rules for when you’ve sighted a butt that you just cannot stop staring at. You might want to turn on some music to get yourself in the mood.


I know that “bounce for the ounce” can also mean the chest but…come on…butt math rocks….

Life is always too serious all the time. Sometimes we need to just get a little stupid. Just don’t be an idiot. Stand back & enjoy the view. 

“Tipsy” Cerulean