Tag Archives: postaweek2011

Two Out Of Three Ain’t Bad

Baby we can talk all night. But that ain’t getting us nowhere.

God damn you Meatloaf.

I just thought the name of that song makes a KICK ASS title for today’s drunken fun article.

Bring out the party balloons & kegs stands.

At some point in the years you will spend on Second Life you will find yourself smashing your head into your desk out of boredom.  You will find yourself wondering why the hell you even bother to log in at all. Shopping, clubs…we fucking get it. Been there fucking done that. Friends will wander off or disappear completely due to different paths taken. You’ll realize just how much of a money pit it is & actually figure out that shopping & clubs blows hardcore.

OK…not everyone…but those that don’t..come on…SERIOUSLY…you have an issue. How dull & pocket draining is that? You can have fun without dropping dolla dolla bills y’all.

Wake the hell up.

Anywho…most sane people will come to a point once or multiple times where they can’t find a single reason to even bother to log into a virtual world with so many issues. (Lag, the current billing issue, the need to run a super computer from the future, computers exploding). I’ve been there. After my first year on Second Life I went through a period of “I get it shopping…this is so fucking boring.” followed by another period a year later. “Ooo look another fucking “Best In Black” event. WOOOWWWW I’ve never seen that before! (insert sarcasm here)“. Year three found me yawning & passing over the SL log in screen to play a video game.

I am currently on year four & I find myself back at that yearly stage of “There has to be some damn thing to do on here!”. To combat this years feelings of virtual despair I’ve found new ways to keep my self positive & busy. Is it working? So far so good….

I don’t want to wander around & shop. Most of the time it’s a huge waste of money. I am not a huge shopper in real life. I don’t really want to be one in Second Life. If I wanted to by myself clothing I would take the money I would have used on that virtual dress & actually buy a real one. I made my own dress this week. It majorly rocks & was fun to do. I spent 0L on it. That makes me feel good. It’s something I took the time to create that didn’t have me wandering around virtual malls for.

I cannot stand the same ol’ looking clubs of SL. Ohhhh I get it! Best in leather eh? Ha…wow…original. Oh..you’ve built a club that involves (insert typical Second Life club theme here) that EVERYONE else before you has already built. How…fun. You know how to DJ? Cool…now stand in that corner over there with the 100 other avies that also do the same thing AND play the same crap you do. How the FUCK am I suppose to kill the virtual boredom with all of this shit surrounding me?


Sci-Fi Speed Building

I’ve been to a lot of creative events as of late. I don’t view them as events as much as they are belonging to a community that does things together. I have watched “prim charades”, speed building contests, I partook in a tiny light saber battle. (Got kicked out my second round but it was still a LOT of fun.) This past Sunday I sat around with others as we listened to a weekly radio theater. This week was “War Of The Worlds”. I browsed a sci-fi exhibit created by other residents. All of these were fun times. A community of friendly, like-minded individuals has kept a major portion of the “God Second Life really does suck ass.” mentality at bay.Combined with unique activities it blows those cookie cutter events completely away.

What should I do with my time? I don’t want to fill it with the same stuff day in & day out. I do laundry in real life every day. That’s really not that exciting. If washing & drying things in real life every day is boring then how can I keep the same boring monotonous activities out of my virtual life?


Did you know I recently took a class on Second Life? I’ve done virtual videos before. I wanted to take this little tidbit of knowledge that was lodged in my brain & expand on it. For this little bit of know how to grow I took a class on machinima.  But…I’m not going to stop there. I love to learn. It’s exciting & worth my time.

I have taken the time to start working on an exhibit project for this month. Currently I’m building a tiny volcano. I’m not buying a volcano. I’m building a volcano. It probably won’t be the most spectacular piece of prim mastery in the world but it will be my own. When my display is finished I will be proud in the fact that I did this all on my own. Creativity has kept me coming back.

Finding a community of  like-minded people who are friendly. Taking the time to create on my own. Taking virtual education classes to better myself. Engaging in activities that I find exciting rather than those others feel are important. Stopping & taking the time to do what I need to do to make my virtual experiences good for me. These have all helped me to get through this years “Virtual blues”.

You don’t have to do what you think you have to do. You do what you want to do because you love it. When you stop loving it & start finding that signing on is more of a chore than an adventure then you have found yourself stuck in that black hole of virtual boredom. You can pull yourself out of it. Sometimes to do that all you need to do is re-evaluate your “2nd Life”.

Hopefully that despair feeling will make a “Once In A Blue Moon” appearance next time.

Damn it…now I want to drink a Blue Moon.

“Tipsy Cerulean”

Tipsy’s Friendly Tip Of The Week:

What is a prim?  Refresher course time!

For The Last Time….

I am not a fan of breedables. I use to be a LONG time ago. Not so much anymore. I had the chickens as soon as they first came out. It was fun while it lasted but between laggy markets, sinking money into them, racking up prim counts for them, & the fact that it slowly became a dying market was the end for me. That & the fact that I found it both stupid & boring. But that’s just me. I did a beta testing for a few but…meh…it’s really just flat-out not my thing.

I’ve found that I actually can’t stand them.

I don’t care if you do it. I have nothing against you. Have at it. Do whatever. It’s just not my cup of  tea.

There are, however, a few things that I do not mind. That do not bother me. I’m not all super bitch. Well..not always the super part.

Today I was going to make a list to clarify what I like & what I don’t like due to actually being asked these questions CONSTANTLY. I grabbed a beer & started typing away. Then I said to myself “Why the fuck am I doing this?”. A key rule to life is the fact that you don’t constantly have to explain every little thing to people. Sometimes it’s OK to say “Because I don’t”. You don’t owe anyone. I don’t eat meat but you might eat meat. I don’t like breedables but you might like breedables. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion. You can like & dislike things. It’s fucking OK. I don’t hate anyone because of their beliefs or likes/dislikes. I might not like someone just plain flat-out because.

So that I can just point to this article the next time I get harassed about this subject or asked a question I quickly summarized what I like & don’t like. For the last time!

Breedable animals annoy the fuck out of me. I just flat out cannot stand them.

Clams, snails & tulips fucking crack me up. I don’t care for them. Come on! It’s a fucking clam! Woo…party!

Furblis I like do to the fact they are a game. I don’t like people who defeat the whole purpose of a game by cluttering the grid with 100s of them. (It also helps that I have someone in the house who likes them & is entertained by watching them while I have to do things on SL.)

Fairies & butterflies I don’t mind for garden accessories. A couple floating around a garden area can look pretty. People who throw a shitload in a cage piss me off. If it gets all crazy they go in the don’t like pile with all of the other breedables.

Plants are weird.

Some pets/park animals are A-OK in my book. They don’t breed. They are just accessories.

There is WAY too much shit to even mention here.

I hope some of this clarifies my stance once and for all. I don’t care what you do or if you like it or not. It’s your choice. Your opinion. Everyone is allowed to have one. I know people who are totally into the whole breedable fad. More power to them. Do yo thing.

I won’t harass you if you don’t harass me. It’s that simple.

“Tipsy” Cerulean

P.S. – If you think about it for a moment you have to admit that even having to explain my reasoning is stupid. In all honesty who the fuck cares anyways about this shit. There is SO MUCH MORE one can do with their time.

Office Remodeling

Since it was spring I decided to do a wee bit of office remodeling. I don’t need some huge, fancy office on massive amounts of land. I write an alcoholic nerd blog with a lot of curse words in it. So something small is the only thing I need.

Currently at the office we have flowers, free vodka, a flying mole, & some desks. OK…we have more than that but I don’t want to bore you with such great word hits like “Wall” & “Windowpane”.


Ooooo Officey!

Click on the signs in the office for site information.


Yes…you can sit on the bench outside.

If you want to be in the “SL Alcoholics” group please drop me a note card or a line or smoke signals. Anyone can join but you have to ask due to assholes who grief.

“Tipsy” Cerulean

You Don’t Have To Please Everyone

There are some days, both virtually & in real life, where you feel that you’ve been polite & nice to people you don’t really like just because you have to. Sometimes this is true. You might have to be polite to a boss or someones relative you just cannot stand. Or maybe you’re being nice to an individual because others you know may also be nice to them or actually put up with them. In some cases you might even be nice to someone for personal gain.

When does it stop being because you have to & start becoming more on the lines of “I just do it because.”? I put that sentence to work today by deleting someone off of my twitter. Blocking them completely. I never really cared for this annoying individual. They did nothing but annoy me, piss me off, & brought nothing to the table. Only thing we had in common is the fact that some of the same people they know also know me & we are both Second Life residents. That is basically where the similarities stop. Why would I follow someone I don’t particularly care for? My excuse was because they also talk to people I talk to.  Some of which don’t even like them but do it because “It’s the polite thing to do.”.  I put up with the annoying behavior. The lack of humor in their jokes. I put up with them.

What made me decide that I don’t have to be polite to someone that pisses me off anymore? Their button pushing for one.

I am all about differences in individuals. You may like something I don’t like. Or vice versa. Diversity rocks. I have many friends who have different interests then I do. I may not be into it but I respect their choices in their own lives. But when your opinions & feelings no longer matter to someone then it’s time to stop being polite, tell them to fuck off, & go on your merry way.

Diversity Kicks Ass!

Sometimes you have to be a bitch. It’s that fucking simple.

You don’t have to be nice for the sake of being nice all of the time. It’s OK to think about yourself & not their feelings if you don’t want to have anything to do with someone anymore. They might feel hurt but you no longer have to care.

“Tipsy” Cerulean

HOMEWORK: Is there someone you really cannot stand that you are polite to? Someone you find annoying & you put up with them for no good reason? Today’s homework assignment is to stop talking to them. If it makes you feel better tell them why you are not going to talk to them anymore. Throw in a “Go fuck yourself!” if it makes you feel any better. You can do it!

St. Patty’s Day Around The Grid

There are a LOT of St. Patty’s Day parties going on in Second Life all day. Lot’s of green. Lot’s of virtual beer drinking. I wandered around the grid early this morning & took some pictures of a few places that were decked out for St. Patrick’s Day this year.I plan on spending my Real Life St. Patty’s Day full of Irish beer & whiskey tonight. Have fun today everyone! (And be safe!!!)

Hehe...I like the hats!


Squeebee’s Mystery Science Theater





I Can't Reach The Phone!

The Pickled Pixie Pub


“Tipsy” Cerulean


Tiny St. Patties Day Dress: Colleen Moppet Dress – Lidl Auds Lidl Kisses

Tiny Hair: Pop Snap’n Rock Rockstar hair (modify) – Delight


I Gots To Get Me One Of These…


Tractors Woo!

Yes..I know…a tractor. Why the hell would I think a tractor is awesome? I live in the country. I like tractors. Big pieces of machinery that serve a purpose. No I don’t think your tractor is sexy. I just appreciate their use.


Tractor. You're Doing It Wrong.


A Second Life tractor? Whuuu? Yes…a virtual tractor. Not only is it a tractor but it is an extremely well made, nice looking piece of Second Life building. That is the main reason I took a bunch of pictures with tractors & wanted to share them. Creative & really skilled building. The details of each tractor are realistic & well thought out. I am highly impressed.


Nice Wheels!


If you would like to check them out then make your way to Area 9.


Considering Becoming A Tractor Model.

“Tipsy” Cerulean




UPDATE: Redzone being used at the Skin Fair.

Link HERE for information regarding hassles of fair, major issues & use of Redzones system


As I type away on my keyboard the 2011 Vanity Skin Fair is in full swing. Mobs of people converging on one small area of the grid. Attempting to wander around & browse the wares. Skins, skins, & yes…more skins.

It is a large event placed on land that can only contain about 50 people at a time. That alone is a disaster. A large fair that can only handle 50 avatars at one time? It boggles the mind. When you teleport to the fair you are asked to remove items to reduce lag issues. The problem is that you need to do this BEFORE you get to the fair grounds. The lag is so horrible that things won’t attach from you. If you don’t reduce your scripts & items (hair, shoes, huds, etc) within a certain amount of time then you will be teleported off of the grounds. You can remove them then try again but good luck trying to get back on. This makes things difficult when you attempt to just teleport on a whim & actually get there. Then count the number of people who didn’t realize that they needed to take everything off before getting there or face being teleported out. Due to these issues I would love to actually see the number of people who were successful in purchases.

I have NEVER been to a fair that has yielded me anything remotely exciting. Multiple hair fairs & I’ve come away with nothing that I would consider better than anything I could have just gotten at a store. Clothing fairs that failed to impress.

The big winners are usually the press the businesses get from various blogs writing about them. Not to mention the various bloggers who were able to attend before opening (to be able to write about the fair).

I would love to see many who supplied the advertising for such fairs, who write about them, & who attend them before they open to actually try to write about things as they occur. Strip down to your underwear & attempt to teleport in. Try it at 5am in the morning. Try it at 10pm at night. It’s always busy. If you do succeed in making it then I want you to walk around in your underwear, duck like, with no hair & really experience what these type of shopping fairs have to offer. If you’re able to make a purchase that you couldn’t have made in a regular store then more power to you. Experience what a real avatar has to go through.

Isn't Stripping For Shopping FUN!! (add sarcasm here)

Fairs are teleport failures & lagfests. After multiple attempts to teleport I’m not going. It’s just not worth feeding into it.  I don’t think I’m missing out.

“Tipsy” Cerulean

New Exciting Project

After a long time planning we have started a project called “One Year In The SLife”. An experiment in Second Life.

“One Year In The SLife” is striving to answer these six questions in the course of one year.

1. Are new Second Life Residents treated any better than they were four years ago?

2. What is there now to help out a new resident?

3. What has changed for the new avatar?

4. Do to the huge uprising in store group freebies & hunts, could an avatar actually live on only 365 Lindens for one year?

5. Do I really need to pay for land? A house? Can I find a decent place to change my clothes? A good place to set home to?

6. Is there stuff to do besides spending money? Besides shopping?

Our Avatar, MyOneSLife, is armed with only 365 Lindens to survive 365 days. We want to see how things have changed from four years ago as a noob to now. Can we actually survive on only 365 Lindens (cutting out almost all shopping from our travels?)

Check out the project HERE!

The SL Experiment.

A Rental To Smile At

After staying a while at my last rental I decided that it was time to move on. Even though the experience had been pleasant I needed a change of scenery. I get bored looking at the same thing every single day when I log in. The whole purpose of Second Life is to explore & experience. I can’t exactly experience too much if I am constantly at the same rental home. This would also be a major downer for writing any rental reviews. Can’t properly write a rental review if we don’t actually live there.

After two days of searching for a new pad I was completely blown away by the last home rental store I visited. It goes by the name of Swings Paradise (also the name of the store owned by rental owner). Rental prices between 499L & 599L. Private skybox islands. Condos on low population residential islands. This had to be a mistake. How can the prices be so cheap? My first guess was lag & crappy builds. After visiting the first private skybox island I realized that I was very wrong. Hopping to each open rental I realized that each one was amazing. The builds were beautiful. There was no lag. Hmm….but it’s so damn cheap!

I decided to settle for a sky island that was beautifully landscaped. Two small partially furnished tiki homes. A small private beach. At 599L a week for 1/4 of a sim I felt giddy yet apprehensive. That cheap? Well…maybe the management & owner were slow to get back with you when it comes to issues & a group invite. Nope. Not in the least. The owner of the sim was on when I sent them a notecard asking for a group invite for myself & St. Bishop. Not only did she send the group invites but she came over to my land to set up the doors & security. She made sure that everything worked correctly for me, gave me the notecards I needed for living there, & two free (& extremely nice) garden swings to use on the land if I decided. I was informed that the rental group was not only for putting things on my land but a way for them to send information when something was changing, when there would be server work/rolling restarts/etc. The way a rental group should be used. I was happy to find out that the management was not only friendly but actually knew what they were doing.

The prim count may turn a lot of people off. 171 prims for 599L a week is not a bad thing in any way. The rental I currently inhabit involves two tiki huts. One tiki hut already has a beautifully built seating area (with tropical drinks) while the other home has a nicely built (adult) bed. The land is already landscaped nicely. There really is absolutely no reason for any more prims. They already took care of just about everything for you anyways. I just used my prims to put in a buddhist meditation area in one tiki hut, a desk in the other, seating on the beach, & something on a small tree platform on the other side of my little beach. I even used the swings I was given because they are not only beautiful but low prim. That is all you need. Trust me. They took care of the rest

View Of Tiki Huts

This rental is a pleasant surprise. You can have quality, good service, & the very best at a price that doesn’t make you pull your prim hair out. This place proves just that.

My Little Beach.

Swings Paradise (SP)

My rental: 599L/week 171 Prims Landscaped sky island, Two part. furnished tiki houses. 1/4 sim.  Small beach. Only two rentals in area (150m apart from each other)  Pictures do not do the rental justice.

Rentals run from 499L/week to 599L/week. Prim count may vary depending on which rental you choose. Some other rental options are medieval home, modern, fantasy. (The medieval home on its on private sky island that I looked at had a small swamp as well as its own little beach. Very nice.) Many rentals to choose from but they rent out FAST! Only a few were open when I rented. It’s worth it.

Rental owner also owns their own shop called, ironically enough  ” Swings Paradise  “. I have been to this shop a few times & the builds are very nice. You know that when her builds are nice that the quality of the items you are renting will also be nice. They do know what they are doing.

“Tipsy” Cerulean

Things I Love

Today is Valentines Day. VD Day. The day we remember a few martyred Romans & a couple of dead Chicago mobsters.

Five Important Things I Love Most In My Life.

1. St. Bishop – Through think and thin. Drunk times & sober times. He’s always here for me.

2. My Family: A bundle of energy, love, fun, & complete weirdness. Pickle, Fluffy butt, Bish. Love you guys.

3. The Companion Cube : The Cake Is A Lie.

4. My Friends


There are a few things in Second Life that I love. The various museums, parks, & educational areas I like to frequent. The fact that I can roller skate just about anywhere while holding a drink…and not get into any trouble.  Second Life can have a Valentine from me this year. Not one that costs anything & I would have to shop for. You get a homemade card this year.

I think the most important thing we should remember this Valentines Day is how important it is to show our love every day. Candy isn’t good for you. Flowers die. Cards get thrown away in a few days. It’s the love for the things you care about the most that are important. A good deed & a few good words go a long way.


Doing My Best Cute Heart Love Thang


Tipsy Tip: Showing a little love for those on a short budget this year who need something pretty to wear.  For Valentines Day this year Tokidoki has this special Love Dress for only 20 Lindens just for Valentines Day.  It took me a few to adjust the skirt to my shape (& it does not come with pants or anything to go under it) but it was worth it for this V Day picture.


“Tipsy” Cerulean